Home Lunch

Vegan lasagne

Vegan LasagneEveryday Food
1H 30M
1H 50M




1.Preheat oven to moderate, 180°C. Heat oil in a frying pan on medium. Sauté onion, garlic and chilli for 2-3 minutes until onion is tender. Add mushroom, pumpkin, capsicum and herbs and sauté‚ for further 3-4 minutes.
2.Stir in lentils, tomatoes, stock and paste. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes until thickened.
3.To make the sauce: Meanwhile, slowly stir oat milk into miso until smooth. Add nutmeg. In a saucepan, combine oil and flour. Stir over low heat until combined. Remove from heat and blend in milk mixture until smooth. Return to heat and cook on high, stirring, until smooth and thick.
4.Cover the bottom of a 10-cup ovenproof dish with half vegetable mixture. Arrange single layer of pasta over lentils and cover with half miso sauce. Repeat layers.
5.In a bowl, combine breadcrumbs with oil and paprika. Sprinkle over lasagna and bake for 40-45 minutes, Serve with a green salad

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