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Double-decker chocolate mud cake

Double-decker chocolate mud cake, chocolate recipe, brought to you by Australian Women's Weekly
Double-decker chocolate mud cakeAustralian Women's Weekly
1H 30M




1.Preheat oven to 160°C (140°C fan-forced). Grease two deep 20cm-round cake pans; line bases and sides with baking paper.
2.Combine butter, white chocolate, sugar and milk in a medium saucepan; stir over heat, without boiling, until smooth. Transfer mixture to a large bowl; cool for 15 minutes.
3.Whisk almond meal and sifted flour into white chocolate mixture, then whisk in eggs. Pour half of the mixture into one of the prepared pans. Whisk sifted cocoa into remaining mixture; pour into other prepared pan. Bake cakes for about 50 minutes or until cooked when tested. Stand cakes in pans for 5 minutes; turn cakes, top side up, onto wire racks to cool.
4.To make ganache, combine chocolates and cream in a medium saucepan; stir over a low heat until smooth. Transfer to a medium bowl. Cover, refrigerate, stirring occasionally, until the ganache is a spreadable consistency. Reserve 1 cup of ganache for spreading over the cake.
5.Split each cake in half. Centre one layer of cake on serving plate; spread with 1/2 cup of the ganache. Repeat layering, alternating colours. Cover top and sides of cake with reserved ganache.

Uniced cake suitable to freeze. Ganache suitable to microwave.


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