Home Modern New Zealand

Mum’s chocolate rough biscuits

Nici Wickes shares her mum's winning recipe for classic Afghan biscuits. Add a liberal dollop of chocolate icing and top each with half a walnut for a true taste of New Zealand
Mussel fritters

Classic mussel fritters

Nici Wickes' delicious mussel fritters recipe is incredibly easy to make and fantastic served with lemon wedges and a herby, creamy mayo sauce. Enjoy for a tasty lunch with friends and family
zucchini fritters

Zucchini fritters recipes

These vege-packed zucchini fritters recipes make the perfect lunch or light dinner. Serve with your favourite dip or sauce, or top with a perfectly poached egg, bacon or salsa
Christmas pavlova roll

Pavlova roll with marinated berries & spiced cream

Everyone loves a classic pav at Christmas, but try rolling yours into a luscious log for a delicious update. This billowy confection of meringue wrapped around a centre of sweet berries and spiced cream will cause a sensation when it arrives at the table.
Buttery potatoes and minted courgettes

Buttery potatoes and minted courgettes

This dish is deceptively simple and incredibly delicious with the courgette maintaining its texture while not being completely raw. Ideal for using up all those courgettes from your garden!
Berrylicious tarts

Berrylicious tarts

With seasonal berries as good as this, it’s ridiculously easy to make spectacular desserts. These creamy tarts topped with sweet and tart berries will delight you, and the subtle kick of pepper in the crust goes beautifully with the fruit!