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Prawn cocktail in fillo pastry

prawn cocktail in fillo pastry
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1.Preheat oven to 200°C. Oil four holes of a 6-hole (¾-cup/180ml) texas muffin pan.
2.Brush one sheet of pastry with butter; top with remaining sheets, brushing each sheet with butter. Using sharp knife, cut pastry into quarters. Line pan holes with pastry.
3.Bake pastry about 6 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Cool in pan.
4.Meanwhile, shell and devein prawns. Combine prawns, lettuce, onion and half the sauce in large bowl; season to taste.
5.Spoon mixture into pastry cases; drizzle with remaining sauce.

For a healthier option, use olive-oil spray instead of butter for pastry sheets. School prawns (shrimp) can also be used, or try crab or lobster meat.


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