
Calamari teppanyaki

Calamari teppanyaki


Lemon soy dipping sauce


1.Place rice and the water in medium heavy-based saucepan; bring to a boil, covered, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat, simmer, covered tightly, about 10 minutes or until rice is cooked as desired. Remove from heat; stand, covered, 5 minutes.
2.Meanwhile, combine calamari with oil, chilli, rind and garlic in large bowl. Cook calamari on heated oiled flat plate, uncovered, until tender.
3.Make lemon soy dipping sauce.
4.Divide rice and calamari among serving plates with ginger, onion, cucumber and extra chilli; serve with bowls of dipping sauce. lemon soy dipping sauce heat vinegar, sugar and sauce in small saucepan, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat; stir in rind.

Teppanyaki is the name given to a traditional Japanese cooking style where the food is cooked rapidly on a searingly hot grill plate on or near the table. Pink pickled ginger, also known as gari, can be found in most Asian grocery stores.


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