Banana, craisin and macadamia muffins
A clear lunch-box winner, packed with fruit and fibre, these banana, craisin and macadamia muffins are utterly delicious.
Raspberry and banana mini muffins
Buttermilk gives these fruity, easy-to-make muffins a luscious, creamy flavour.
Banana and date muffins
These banana and date muffins are great for the lunchbox, provide loads of fibre and energy, and couldn’t be easier to make.
Banana-bran muffins
Add more excitement to your average bran muffins with more flavour and creativity!
Choc banana muffins
The unbeatable combination of chocolate and banana is celebrated in these delicious muffins, which are packed full of real chocolate chips. These are great to make with the kids as a weekend treat or lunchbox snack.
Banana, walnut and maple muffins
These are best served warm, dripping with butter and maple syrup – go on, try them!
Spiced banana muffins
For decoration, slice another banana and arrange on baking paper on a heatproof plate. Microwave on high for 5 minutes to dry, then use to top muffins, before baking. Alternatively, you could use this recipe to make 12 mini muffins, using a smaller muffin-pan. Note
Banana maple muffins
To yield 3/4 cup of mashed banana, you will need about 1 1/2 bananas. Note
Banana muffins with maple icing
Maple Icing: Makes 3/4 cup (ENOUGH FOR 12 MUFFINS) Note
Chocolate, banana and macadamia muffins
You can use other chopped nuts of choice or dried fruit, if liked. Plain milk can be used in place of buttermilk. Makes 12 Note
Banana and cinnamon muffins
Spoil your family and friends with these fluffy banana muffins topped with tangy cream cheese icing.
Banana muffins
You can store muffins in an airtight container (at room temperature) for up to three days. Note
Ricotta, banana and honey muffins
You can top these muffins with other favourite fruits – try mango, strawberries or sliced, grilled pineapple. Note
Banana blueberry yoghurt muffins
These muffins are a delicious addition to the back-to-school lunchbox. You can also try using chocolate bits or walnuts instead of blueberries.