Quick and Easy

Roasted feta with olives

Arriving from the kitchen with a piping hot pan of sizzling cheese and olives adds a little dinner-party drama. Serve it with plenty of crusty bread, and paper napkins to catch the oily drips.



1.Preheat oven to 200°C fan forced. In a small ovenproof dish, lay the sun-dried tomatoes in the bottom to make a trivet, and place the feta directly on top. Arrange the tomatoes, garlic and olives around the feta, sprinkling stripped rosemary leaves over the top.
2.Pour the sun-dried tomato-flavoured oil over the feta and drizzle the olive oil around the other ingredients.
3.Bake for 15–20 minutes or until the top of the feta is lightly browned and the feta feels slightly spongy so you know it’s heated through. Lay the hot pan on a wooden board and serve immediately with crusty bread.

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