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Pomegranate cosmopolitan

Cool, fruity and refreshing, this beautiful pomegranate cosmopolitan is perfect for a night out with your friends or relaxing afternoon drinks on a hot Summer's evening.
Pomegranate CosmopolitanAustralian Women's Weekly



Pomegraante cosmopolitan

1.Blend or process the pomegranate seeds until almost smooth. Push mixture through a fine sieve to extract juice. Discard solids.
2.Combine pomegranate juice, apple juice, lime juice, vodka and liqueur in a large jug.
3.Pour into chilled cocktail glasses filled with ice. Garnish with extra pomegranate seeds, if desired.

You will need to extract 1/2 cup of pomegranate juice for this recipe. You could substitute bottled cranberry and raspberry juice, if preferred.


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