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Glacé fruit cakes with ginger syrup

glacé fruit cakes with ginger syrup
12 Item


Glacé fruit cakes
Ginger syrup


1.Preheat oven to 160°C/140°C fan-forced. Grease 12-hole (¹/³-cup/80ml) muffin pan and line bases with baking paper.
2.Sprinkle nuts into pan holes.
3.Beat butter, rind and sugar in small bowl with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time. Transfer mixture to medium bowl and stir in sifted flours, milk, fruit and extra nuts. Spread mixture into pan holes.
4.Bake cakes about 25 minutes.
5.Meanwhile, make ginger syrup. Stir ingredients in small saucepan over heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves, bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered without stirring for about 5 minutes or until syrup thickens slightly.
6.Remove cakes from oven and pour hot syrup over hot cakes in pan. Cool cakes in pan. Serve cakes warm or cold with cream or ice-cream.

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