Dill and salmon kedgeree bowls
Ready in just 15 minutes, this flavoursome and filling dill and salmon kedgeree bowl recipe is great accompanied with Greek yoghurt and served for an easy weeknight meal
Fresh salmon kedgeree
This Anglo-Indian dish gets a fresh twist with this salmon kedgeree recipe. Ready in just 30 minutes, this warmly-spiced dish is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner
Kedgeree-style risotto
This deliciously creamy kedgeree-style risotto recipe is incredibly comforting and is perfect served as a flavoursome family meal
Smoked fish kedgeree
Traditionally favoured for breakfast, this crazy Anglo-Indian rice and fish dish is a winner for any meal from breakfast to lunch or dinner. I love the unlikely combination of ingredients and flavours that come together so magically to form the perfect comfort dish
Brown rice kedgeree
This traditional Indian dish combines smoked salmon, eggs, yoghurt and a spicy curry folded through rice. It is best for a spectacular healthy brunch, light lunch or side.
Vegetable kedgeree
For non-vegetarians, add canned tuna or pink salmon to kedgeree. Note
Tuna kedgeree
For hard-boiled eggs, place cold eggs in a saucepan of cold water. Bring to the boil on medium, then simmer 4-5 minutes. Cool under cold, running water. Peel and quarter. These are delicious in burgers. Note
Smoked ocean trout kedgeree
You need to cook about 1¾ cups of white medium-grain rice to get the amount of cooked rice required for this recipe. Note
Kedgeree combines the beloved smoked fish from Britain with the rice and spices of India. It’s the result of British colonial activity on the subcontinent.