1.Blanch peaches, with bases scored, in a saucepan of boiling water until skins split (30 seconds), refresh in iced water, then drain and peel. Chop peaches, spread on a tray lined with baking paper and place in freezer until semi-frozen (1-1½ hours).
2.Meanwhile, stir caster sugar and water in a saucepan over medium-high heat until sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil. Remove from heat and add mint. Cool to room temperature, strain (discard mint), add gin and the juice of limes, and refrigerate to chill.
3.Process chilled peach and syrup to taste in a blender until smooth, then transfer to a container and freeze until spoonable (1-2 hours).
4.To serve, chill 6 small serving glasses in the freezer. Divide peaches, cut into thin wedges among glasses, drizzle with a little extra gin, and spoon in slushie peach mixture and serve with lime wedges.
- We’ve used early cropping white peaches for their delicate flavour and glorious colour, but yellow peaches work well, too.