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Cheesy potato and spinach mash

cheesy potato and spinach mash



1.Peel potatoes with a vegetable peeler. In a large saucepan, place potatoes in enough cold water to cover. Heat pan on stove over high heat until water boils. Reduce heat to medium-high and gently boil, without a lid, for about 25 minutes or until potatoes are soft when tested with a fork or skewer. Drain potatoes.
2.Meanwhile, coarsely chop spinach.
3.In a microwave-safe jug, microwave milk on high (100 per cent) for about 30 seconds or until hot.
4.Return potatoes to saucepan on low heat. Stir the potatoes for 1 minute to dry out. Remove from heat.
5.Add butter and milk to potatoes, and mash until smooth. Stir in spinach and cheese. Season.

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