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Beef and lentil pies with kumara mash

beef and lentil pies with kumara mash
4 Item



1.Preheat oven to 220°C/425°F.
2.Heat oil in a large saucepan; cook onion and garlic, stirring, until onion softens. Add beef; cook, stirring, until browned.
3.Add spices; cook, stirring, until fragrant. Add paste, stock and lentils; bring to the boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes or until thickened slightly. Stir in coriander; season to taste.
4.Meanwhile, boil, steam or microwave kumara and potato until tender; drain. Mash vegetables in a large bowl with butter and milk until smooth; season to taste.
5.Spoon beef mixture into four 1¼-cup (310ml) ovenproof dishes. Top with kumara mash; sprinkle with seeds.
6.Bake pies for 20 minutes or until browned.

You can use pumpkin instead of the kumara. The beef mixture, without the coriander, is suitable to freeze. Add the coriander when reheating


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