1.Put large saucepan of water on to boil, add salt. When at full rolling boil, add rice gradually, so that water does not go off the boil.
2.Boil rapidly, uncovered 12 minutes or until tender; drain well. Spread rice evenly over large shallow tray, refrigerate until cold.
3.Peel and grate onion; drain and flake crab meat.
4.Heat oil in large frying pan or wok, add onion, cook until softened. Beat eggs, pour into pan on top of onion, stir lightly, cook until set. Remove from pan, cut omelet into large strips.
5.Add rice and pinch of salt to pan, mix well. Turn rice over and over with spatula. Add crab and chopped shallots, continue cooking one minute. Add egg strips.
6.Sprinkle soy sauce over, mix lightly; cook another minute.