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Princess birthday cake

This adorable princess birthday cake is perfect for kids who love all things pretty and pink.
princess shazza
1 Item


Princess shazza
Butter cream


Princess shazza

1.Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and flour 2.5-litre (10-cup) dolly varden pan (about 20cm tall).
2.Make cake according to directions on packets. Pour mixture into pan; bake about 1 hour. Stand cake in pan 5 minutes; turn onto wire rack to cool.
3.Meanwhile, to make butter cream, beat butter in small bowl with electric mixer until as white as possible. Beat in sifted icing sugar and milk, in two batches.
4.Using serrated knife, level cake top. Position cake on 40cm (16-inch) round prepared cake board, cut-side down; secure with a little butter cream. Using a teaspoon, scoop a hole from top of cake deep enough to fit doll.
5.Spread butter cream all over cake.
6.Cut white marshmallows in half vertically; press around base of skirt. Cut pink marshmallows in half horizontally; press all over skirt starting from the base, as shown.
7.Position remaining white marshmallows at top of skirt. Press artificial flowers randomly on skirt between marshmallows.
8.Wind white ribbon around doll’s body to make halter-top; tie at back. Wind purple ribbon around waist. Tie up hair with elastic band; push in feather piece and artificial flower.
9. Gently push doll into cake to waist level.

We used a stem of small plastic flowers, available from craft shops. If using silk flowers, position on cake just before serving to prevent butter cream absorbing into the flowers and looking greasy. You need about two 250g packets marshmallows for this recipe.


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