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Banana bread and butter pudding

Banana bread and butter puddingWoman's Day
1H 15M



1.Preheat oven to moderate, 180°C. Lightly grease a 2-litre casserole dish.
2.In a medium saucepan, combine milks, honey and cinnamon. Add vanilla bean and seeds.
3.Stir over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, until mixture is hot. Strain into a large jug. Cool slightly.
4.In a large bowl, whisk eggs until frothy. Gradually whisk in the warm milk mixture.
5.Place alternate layers of bread and banana in the casserole dish, slightly overlapping the pieces. Pour the egg mixture over. Sprinkle with sugar.
6.Place in a large baking pan. Add enough just-boiled water to come halfway up the sides of the dish. Bake for 45-50 minutes, until custard is set when tested with the tip of a knife (if the custard is set, the knife will come out clean).
7.Remove from baking pan. Cool for 5 minutes. Dust with cinnamon. Serve with low-fat natural yoghurt mixed with honey.

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