How did Club Sandwich project start ?
Like most good ideas Club Sandwich was conceived over a few drinks on holiday. I spend most of my spare time watching food videos online, and always wished there was something made locally. We first started talking about it a little over a year ago and released the first episode in April this year.
Who makes up the Club Sandwich team?
At the time my boyfriend was working at a production company called Reel. Jacob Brown, one of the owners, is a friend of ours and also a huge food fan. The reason we were able to make the series came down to the skills we were all able to contribute. Reel handles the production and editing side of things; my boyfriend Malcolm Campbell does all the technical, design and digital stuff; and I do all the interviewing, writing and recipes for the blog.
What keeps you going, why do you do it?
The series is driven purely by a shared love of food. Not only among ourselves, but among the people we meet. I love hearing the stories of what motivates each person, why they do what they do and how they got started. The sandwich is really just the theme that ties all that together. People get so excited about the simple request to make a sandwich. Each person approaches it differently and their personality and cooking style really comes through in what they choose to make. You might be a fine dining chef, but often it is the snacks you make yourself in the kitchen that never make it to the menu that are the most comforting and delicious things.
Who have you filmed so far?
So far we have tried to film a mix of really well known and experienced people, alongside newer talent to try and keep it interesting. We’ve filmed Mimi Gilmour from Burger Burger; Sarah and Otis from the Lucky Taco; Logan Coath from The Black Hoof; Judge Bao; Miss Changy; The Caker; Ralph Jenner from Welcome Eatery; Ceremony Company; and The Bearded Clam. We just finished filming in Wellington where we filmed with Garage Project; Fix and Fogg; and Five Boroughs.
What have you learned from your web-series subjects so far? Any major sandwich tips?
The biggest thing I always take away from the people we meet in each episode is that it ain’t easy in the food biz. Food and hospitality is a really hard industry to be in, but despite that, everybody is decidedly happy go lucky. They love what they do and that’s what keeps them going day after day.
What makes a great sandwich?
Like all cooking, constructing a great sandwich is all about balancing different flavours and textures. The bread and the fillings are of equal importance in a sandwich. Your filling might be totally delicious, but if the bread is chewy or too dense and all the fillings fall out when you take your first bite, your sandwich is ruined instantly.
I believe there isn’t a sandwich in the world that wouldn’t benefit from a layer of mayonnaise (or butter or any kind of fat for that matter). I also think the bread should always be lightly toasted.
Where does your love of the simple sandwich come from?
If I had to pinpoint exactly when my sandwich obsession came to be it was probably in my early twenties when I lived in Canada for a little while. I fell in love with those hearty American classics, that were not common in New Zealand at the time, like pulled pork, grilled cheese and meatball subs. They really know how to do sandwiches in that part of the world.
What’s next for Club Sandwich?
There is a real collaborative spirit in our community and I’m excited to be a part of it and do some cool things with the people I have met so far. We’d love to branch out from our current format and make more videos and content, perhaps a cookbook too. We are planning a sandwich party for early next year where I am hopefully going to coerce some of our musically talented friends (who contribute their music to the videos) to play at an outdoor party where you will be able to buy sandwiches from some of the people who have featured in our episodes.
Watch Club Sandwich’s video featuring Sarah and Otis from The Lucky Taco here