
Scones two ways



Pumpkin ricotta


1.Preheat oven 220°C. Lightly grease and flour an oven tray.
2.In a large bowl, sift flour. Using your fingertips, rub in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. In a second bowl, place half the mixture. Stir grated cheese into one bowl and icing sugar into the other. Make a well in each.
3.Add half the milk to each bowl. Mix with a flat-bladed knife to a soft, sticky dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead both gently until just smooth.
4.Pat each into a 3cm-thick round. Cut each into 6 rounds using a 5cm round cutter. Place each together on tray. Brush tops with milk.
5.Bake 12-15 minutes until golden and sound hollow when tapped. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

Pumpkin ricotta

6.Meanwhile, in a frying pan, heat oil on high. Cook pumpkin, tossing occasionally, 5-10 minutes until golden and tender. Cool. Mash roughly and stir ricotta, parmesan and nutmeg through.
7.Serve cheese scone halves topped with pumpkin ricotta and classic scone halves toped with conserve and cream.

To make conserve, boil 1 1/2 cups frozen berries, 1/4 cup caster sugar and 2 tbsp lemon juice on medium. Bring to boil, simmer 10 minutes.


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