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Four birthday cake

Celebrate your child turning four with this awesome birthday cake for car lovers.
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1.Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F. Grease 20cm x 30cm (8-inch x 12-inch) rectangular cake pan; line base and two long sides with baking paper, extending paper 5cm (2 inches) over sides.
2.Make cake according to directions on packets. Pour into pan; bake about 40 minutes. Stand cake in pan 5 minutes; turn, top-side up, onto wire rack to cool.
3.Meanwhile, to make butter cream, beat butter in small bowl with electric mixer until as white as possible. Beat in sifted icing sugar and milk, in two batches. Tint butter cream red.
4.Using serrated knife, level cake top. Turn cake cut-side down. Cut cake into three even strips.
5.Leave centre strip whole; cut remaining strips into three segments.
6.Assemble cake pieces on 40cm (16-inch) square prepared cake board, cut-side down, to form the number four; discard remaining cake. Spread butter cream all over cake.
7.Knead ready-made icing on surface dusted with sifted icing sugar until icing loses its stickiness; reserve a walnut-sized amount of icing for road markings, wrap in plastic. Tint remaining icing grey with black colouring.
8.Roll grey icing until 2mm (¹/8 inch) thick. Using sharp knife, cut 6.5cm x 28cm (2¾-inch x 11¼-inch) rectangle, 6.5cm x 15cm (2¾-inch x 6-inch) rectangle and 6.5cm x 8cm (2¾-inch x 3¼-inch) rectangle; position on cake for roads.
9.Roll reserved white icing into thin cord, cut into two 6.5cm (2¾-inch) pieces and one 27cm (10¾-inch) piece; secure to cake, with tiny dabs of water, for road markings.
10.Secure Tic Tacs to roads with tiny dabs of water to mark lanes. Cut licorice strap into 14 x 1cm (½-inch) pieces and one 13cm (5¼-inch) piece; position on cake to form rail tracks. Position cars and road signs on cake, as desired; secure with a little butter cream.

Equipment: 20cm x 30cm (8-inch x 12-inch) rectangular pan; 40cm (16-inch) square prepared cake board.


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