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Easy tiramisu gelato

Festive feasting can cause more pain than joy when you have sensitive teeth. This year ColgateĀ® has unwrapped a solution that allows you to enjoy chilled seasonal treats without discomfort
Easy tiramisu gelato

For the relief of tooth sensitivity. Always read the label. Use only as directed. See your dentist if symptoms persist. Colgate-Palmolive Ltd, Lower Hutt. TAPS PP1485



1.Line a 6-cup loaf pan with plastic wrap. In a jug, stir coffee into hot water to dissolve. Add Kahlua and cool.
2.In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat condensed milk, cream, and mascarpone together until thick and doubled in volume. Beat in three-quarters of cooled coffee mixture. Partially fold in drinking chocolate
3.Line pan base with half sponge fingers. Drizzle with half reserved coffee mixture. Pour in ice-cream mixture then top with remaining sponge fingers. Drizzle with remaining coffee mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze 4 hours or overnight
4.Remove from pan and discard plastic. Cut into slices. Dust with extra drinking chocolate and scatter with raspberries to serve

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