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Warm salad of silverbeet stems, chilli and garlic

This salad recipe is so simple and delicious, it would be a crime not to share it. Silverbeet is used here as it’s easy to find in the shops and backyard. Serve as a tasty side dish for any meal. Photography by Jani Shephered/Gatherum Collectif
Warm salad of silverbeet stems, chilli and garlic

This recipe was first published in Taste magazine.

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1.Wash silverbeet stems well and chop into 10cm lengths. Bring a large pan of water to the boil and add a sprinkle of salt and the stems. Reduce heat and simmer until tender (6-8 minutes). Drain and spread on paper towels to dry.
2.Heat oil in large frying pan and cook garlic and chilli on medium-high heat until garlic just starts to colour (watch carefully; don’t let it burn).
3.Add cooked stems and sauté, moving them about with tongs, for about 3-5 minutes or until they just start to turn golden. Sprinkle generously with sea salt and pepper. Serve hot or warm.
  • Serves 4-6.

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