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Sweet and sour couscous salad

This sweet and sour couscous salad recipe creates a delicious side dish that pairs perfectly with a range of Middle Eastern-inspired mains including chicken, beef, lamb and seafood

This recipe first appeared in Food magazine.

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1.Place the couscous in a large bowl and mix through the salt and oil using your fingertips. Pour over the boiling water, mix well and set aside for 15 minutes.
2.Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onion, garlic, rosemary, carrots, cumin and cinnamon until they begin to caramelise.
3.Add the pine nuts, cranberries, honey and vinegar. Increase the heat and cook, stirring, until the vinegar has almost evaporated. Set aside the mixture to cool slightly.
4.Fluff up the couscous grains using a fork, then add the salad ingredients and mix them with the couscous. Garnish with the coriander leaves and serve at room temperature.

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