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Economical minestrone soup

This Nici Wickes minestrone soup is a favourite for making a hearty, nourishing meal for the whole family for next to nothing. Who knew economical could taste so good?
Economical minestrone soupTodd Eyre
1H 30M



1.Heat the oil in your largest pot and sauté all the chopped vegetables for 5 minutes, stirring to mix them up.
2.Add the water, tomatoes and drained beans. Gently bring to the boil and simmer until the beans are cooked through – about 1-1½ hours.
3.When the beans are tender, add the macaroni and continue cooking until the pasta is cooked. Season.
4.Serve with a sprinkling of parsley on top and crusty bread rolls. Enjoy!
  • You can substitute the dried beans with tinned cannellini, borlotti or kidney beans – just drain them well and add them with the pasta (Step 2). – Use any vegetables you like, such as swedes, potatoes, turnips or fresh beans.

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