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Champagne fruit salad with mint-lime granita

Nothing beats a summer BBQ, but the fun soon fizzles out when you can’t eat because of sensitive teeth. Happily, Colgate® has a solution, so a chilled fruit salad is no longer off the menu
Champagne fruit salad with mint lime granita

For the relief of tooth sensitivity. Always read the label. Use only as directed. See your dentist if symptoms persist. Colgate-Palmolive Ltd, Lower Hutt. TAPS PP1485


Champagne fruit salad
Mint-lime granita


1.Combine fruit in a large non-metal bowl. Pour champagne over. Chill, covered, until required.
2.For the mint-lime granita: Combine water, lime and sugar in a medium saucepan. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolved. Add zest and teabag and bring to simmering point. Remove from heat to infuse for 3-4 minutes. Remove teabag and zest. Allow to cool.
3.Stir in mint and transfer to a shallow metal tray. Freeze for 2-3 hours until firm.
4.Spoon fruit salad among glasses or onto platter. Using a fork, scrape along granita to form ice chips. Spoon over fruit. Serve with extra mint.

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