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Carrot and zucchini muffins

Spiced with cumin and packed full of grated vegetables, these carrot and zucchini muffins make a great lunch box or after-school snack.
carrot and zucchini muffins
12 Item



1.Preheat oven to 200ºC/180ºC fan-forced. Line 12-hole (⅓ -cup/80ml) muffin pan with paper cases.
2.Sift flour, sugar, cumin and soda into large bowl; stir in carrot, zucchini and cheese then eggs, buttermilk and butter. Do not over-mix; mixture should be lumpy.
3.Drop ¼ cups of mixture into paper cases; bake about 20 minutes. Stand muffins in pan 5 minutes before turning, top-side up, onto wire rack to cool.

You need two medium carrots (240g) and two small zucchini (180g) for this recipe.


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