Make the Cheat’s caesar dressing (see below).
Preheat oven to 245°C.
In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of the oil, the butter and garlic. Toss in cubed bread then arrange on a tray with bacon. Bake croutons and bacon, turning once or twice until both are crisp and golden, approximately 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, boil the eggs for about 10 minutes. Cool slightly; quarter.
Heat a grill plate or barbecue. Brush lettuces lightly with remaining oil. Cook on grill for 1 minute each side or until just beginning to wilt. Transfer to plates, then drizzle with Cheat’s caesar dressing and top with croutons, crumbled bacon and hard boiled eggs.
Cheat’s Caesar dressing
Combine all the ingredients and set aside for 30 minutes.
Use the Cheat’s Caesar dressing for dressing a regular salad, or try it on a new potato salad. Romaine is generally another name for cos, although often in New Zealand it is longer and more oblong in shape. You could use either in this recipe.