For the relief of tooth sensitivity. Always read the label. Use only as directed. See your dentist if symptoms persist. Colgate-Palmolive Ltd, Lower Hutt. TAPS PP1485
Macadamia praline
1.Grease and line a 20cm springform pan.
2.Trim madeira cake into 1.5cm slices. Press into base of pan, trimming to fit. Freeze 15 minutes.
3.In a large bowl, combine softened ice cream, honey macadamias and coconut. Swirl honey through. Dollop over madeira cake and smooth top.
4.Sprinkle extra coconut on top. Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze overnight.
Macadamia praline
5.Line an oven tray with baking paper.
6.In a saucepan, stir caster sugar and water on low until sugar dissolves. Boil, not stirring, 6-7 minutes until caramel in colour. Add macadamias, stir quickly to coat and transfer to tray. Set aside until hardened.
7.Serve ice cream cake topped with macadamia praline shards.