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Caramel coconut marshmallows

Caramel coconut marshmallowsWoman's Day
20 Item



1.Lightly grease and line a 22cm square cake pan with baking paper.
2.In a large bowl, combine sugar and hot water. Using an electric mixer, beat on high 3-4 minutes, until sugar dissolves completely.
3.In a jug, sprinkle gelatine over just-boiled water, whisking vigorously with a fork to dissolve. Beat into sugar mixture with vanilla 8-10 minutes, until mixture is white and fluffy.
4.Pour half mixture into pan; swirl over an even layer of caramel topping. Pour over remaining marshmallow. Set aside at room temperature 3-4 hours, until firm.
5.Using a hot knife, cut marshmallow into small squares, wiping knife between each cut. Sprinkle with coconut or roll in coconut to coat.

Gelatine is sold as a powder or in sheets, and they are usually interchangeable. Use two gelatine leaves for every teaspoon of powdered gelatine. Follow packet instructions for dissolving.


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