Spinach salsa verde (Makes about ½ cup)
Bacon, egg and pumpkin feast bruschetta
1.Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F.
2.Oil and line two large oven trays. Place pumpkin and tomatoes on one tray, and bacon on the other tray; drizzle trays with half the oil. Season pumpkin with salt and pepper; season bacon with pepper.
3.Roast for 20 minutes, swapping trays halfway through cooking, or until pumpkin is tender, tomatoes softened slightly and bacon golden. Cover to keep warm.
4.Meanwhile, half-fill a large wide saucepan with water, add vinegar; bring to the boil. Break 1 egg into a cup. Using a spoon, make a whirlpool in water; slide egg into whirlpool. Repeat with another 2 eggs.
5.Cover pan, remove from heat; stand 3 minutes or until yolks are runny and covered in set egg white, or cooked as desired. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove eggs from pan; drain on paper towel. Repeat with remaining eggs. Cover to keep warm.
6.Boil, steam or microwave spinach until wilted. Squeeze out excess moisture.
7.Preheat grill. Place bread on a large oven tray; brush with remaining oil. Place bread under grill for 1 minute or until the top is lightly golden. Transfer to a serving board.
8.Meanwhile, make spinach salsa verde.
9.Top bread with spinach, bacon, pumpkin, tomatoes and eggs; drizzle with salsa verde. Serve immediately topped with parsley.
Spinach salsa verde
10.Blend or process garlic, anchovy, capers, basil, spinach and half the olive oil until combined.
11.With the motor operating, add remaining oil in a steady stream until combined. Stir in juice; season to taste.
The best way to extract excess moisture from spinach is with your hands. Wear disposable gloves if it is too hot or wait a little longer for the spinach to cool down.