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12 side dish recipes that celebrate carrot

Sweet, delicious and inexpensive, there's lots to love about carrot! Try it grated in salads, roasted with honey or mashed to creamy perfection with these side dish recipes.

Get more inspiration for cooking with this sweet vege with our best carrot soup recipes.

caramelised carrots
Quick and Easy
March 31, 2011

Caramelised carrots

This recipe can be made several hours ahead, reheat just before serving. Note
By Woman's Weekly Food
Herbed millet and carrot salad
Quick and Easy
April 10, 2017

Herbed millet and carrot salad

Millet was once only thought of as bird food, but it’s a wonderful grain for us humans too. Try it in this salad recipe paired with plenty of fresh herbs, grated carrot and lemony garlic dressing. Created by Emma Galloway for Taste magazine
By Emma Galloway

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