I recently decided to make 200 club sandwiches for a function. It would be in the early evening and I always think these go better with a glass of wine than some fiddly bit of nonsense which ends up down your top.
The problem was, I’d only ever made ham and egg clubs, so I asked my newsletter readers to help me out. These are just some of the many delicious suggestions they made, and I can tell you that every single one of my sandwiches got eaten on the night.
Although – I must confess – when I was making them I got to 150 and gave up. I was definitely over making club sandwiches for the day!
Club Sandwiches
• Make a spread of finely chopped cucumber (take out the seeds), a 250g tub of cream cheese, 1 cup grated tasty cheese and half a finely chopped red onion. Use with curried egg, ham and lettuce.
• Take just a plain cucumber. Peel it, then finely slice, layering in a colander with generous sprinkles of salt. Leave for 30 minutes, then pat dry with kitchen towels. Use these in white bread with real butter and they will be lovely and crisp.
• Use cream cheese, grated carrot and grated beetroot.
• Cream cheese, chutney, pastrami and rocket.
• Grated carrot and cheese with gherkin relish.
• 1 smoked chicken breast, finely chopped, mixed with ½ cup flaked almonds, finely chopped parsley and mashed avocado with lemon to stop it going brown.
• Cream cheese and a little finely chopped crystallised ginger goes down well.
• Salmon with cream cheese and mint jelly or finely chopped mint.
• Tinned corned beef, cream cheese and piccalilli.
• Finely chopped dried apricots, cream cheese and ham.