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1.For the base, place desiccated coconut and oats in a food processor and pulse to a flour like consistency. Add remaining base ingredients and process together until sticky. If it’s not becoming sticky add an extra date or two.
2.With a spatula or back of a spoon press mixture into a square dish that’s been greased in coconut oil (or line dish with baking paper).
3.Add all topping ingredients to the food processor and blend until well combined. Pour over the base and set in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.
4.Remove from fridge, slice into squares and serve.
- Yields approx. 16 slices. – Lemons are well known for being rich in vitamin C, a crucial nutrient which helps support our immune system. – This slice also contains lots of healthy fats from the coconut, which is important to keep us satiated between meals, making it the perfect mid-morning or afternoon snack. It’s also a yummy healthy treat to enjoy for dessert!