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Stuffed courgette flowers with ricotta and lemon

Trust us, this stuffed courgette flower recipe is a must-try! Filled with a creamy mixture of ricotta, anchovies and lemon, crumbed then fried until golden, this dish is simply irresistible served warm
Stuffed courgette flowers



1.Place ricotta, tasty cheese, chives, anchovies and lemon zest in a small bowl. Season and mix well.
2.Break eggs into a small bowl and whisk with the salt to make an egg wash.
3.Take a courgette flower, open gently and fill with 1-2 tsp ricotta filling. Press the ends together. Repeat until all the flowers are filled.
4.Place breadcrumbs in a shallow bowl beside the egg wash. Dip one flower at a time into egg, then cover in crumbs and place on a large plate, ready for cooking. (Alternatively, if you want to make ahead, cover and chill flowers for cooking later.)
5.In a large frying pan on a high heat melt 1 Tbsp butter with 1 Tbsp olive oil. Fry four or five flowers at a time until just golden (about 2 minutes on each side). Add more butter and olive oil as needed.
6.Serve on warmed plates and sprinkle with chopped chives and chive flowers.
  • The small flowers on the ends of courgettes are female and the large flowers on a stem are male.

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