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Spinach and three cheese pie

Nici Wickes' spinach and cheese pie recipe makes a substantial vegetarian lunch or dinner. It’s super-convenient too as it can be assembled in the morning and cooked when you need it
Spinach and three cheese pieTodd Eyre




Preheat oven to 180ºC. Grease a baking dish a bit smaller than a sheet of pastry.


Sauté the onion in the olive oil until soft. Add the greens, then cook until the spinach is wilted and the broccoli soft. Drain any excess liquid off (and save it for a stew, soup, gravy etc). Beat the eggs in a large bowl, adding the mixed herbs, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Stir in the three cheeses and cooled veges.


Line your baking dish sides and bottom with 6 sheets of pastry, brushing each with the melted butter as you layer.


Tip the filling in and top with the remaining 6 sheets of pastry, buttering each as you go. Tuck the edges in using a blunt knife, brush the top with butter and sprinkle over the sesame seeds.


Bake for 45 minutes to one hour or until lovely and brown.


Cool for 10 minutes before serving with a salad.

Should you make it in advance, cover it with a damp tea towel so that it doesn’t dry out. For extra texture and flavour, add a handful of roasted walnuts or pine nuts to the filling. This pie travels well, so take it on your next picnic!


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