Ripe Deli shares the recipe for their fresh and fragrant Vietnamese chicken salad. Bright, zingy and packed with flavour, there's a reason this salad is famous!
1.To make the dressing, place all the ingredients into a bowl and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Place to one side.
2.To prepare the chicken salad, first preheat the oven to 220ºC.
3.Heat a frying pan over a high heat. Brush the chicken with the oil and season with salt and pepper.
4.Place the chicken skinside down in the pan and sear for 2 minutes. Turn and sear for another minute. Place the chicken on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Cover and rest for 20 minutes while preparing the remaining ingredients for the salad.
5.Shred the chicken into thin strips with your hands and place them in a large bowl. Toss together with the remaining salad ingredients except the peanuts.
6.Toss the dressing through the salad. Serve with the roasted peanuts sprinkled on top.