1.Preheat oven to moderate, 180°C. Lightly grease 6 x 1-cup ramekins.
2.In a medium bowl, using an electric mixer, beat butter and ¾ cup sugar together until combined. Mix flour and zest through.
3.In a jug, combine milk, juice, marmalade and egg yolks. Fold into creamed mixture.
4.In a clean medium bowl, using an electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in remaining sugar until dissolved and glossy. Gently fold into creamed mixture. Pour evenly among ramekins.
5.Place ramekins in a large baking dish. Pour in enough hot water to come halfway up the sides of ramekins.
6.Bake for 20-25 minutes until just firm. Top with a dollop of extra marmalade.
7.Dust with icing sugar and serve with ice cream.