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Mexican tomato soup, chilli nachos and veggie & feta sprinkles

This fantastic Mexican tomato soup recipe is simply bursting with flavour. Serve with chilli nachos for a crunchy, spicy accompaniment
Mexican tomato soup, chilli nachos and veggie & feta sprinkles




1.Trim and finely slice the spring onions (reserving some for garnish) and put into the pan with 2 tablespoons of oil • Tear in the coriander stalks (reserving the leaves) • Squash in the unpeeled garlic through a garlic crusher and add the rice, drained jarred peppers, and the tinned tomatoes • Pour in 850ml of boiling water, add a pinch of salt and cover with the lid
2.Quarter the cherry tomatoes, halve the avocado (discarding the stone) and place on a serving board with the reserved spring onions and coriander leaves, and the feta • Finely slice the chillies and add half to the board • Empty the tortilla chips on to a baking tray, grate over the Cheddar and scatter over the remaining chillies, then pop under the grill on the top shelf until the cheese is melted, removing when golden
3.In a bowl, use the stick blender to blitz the yoghurt and jalapeño chillies with a splash of their pickling vinegar and the top leafy half of the mint until nice and smooth • Next use the stick blender to blitz the soup until smooth, add the juice of ½ a lime, season well to taste, then either enjoy it thick, or add some water to thin it down • Drizzle over the spiked yoghurt, and serve with the nachos, sprinkles and lime wedges.

Taken from Jamie’s 15-Minute Meals eBook, published by Michael Joseph. Recipe © Jamie Oliver 2012. Photos © Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited 2012, by David Loftus.


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