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A classic Italian favourite, this beef mince and pasta dish is beautiful served up with a fresh garden salad.



1.Combine oil, onion, carrot and celery in a 3-litre (12-cup) microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high (100%) for 4 minutes or until vegetables soften. Stir in tomato paste. Microwave on high for 1 minute more.
2.Add mince to vegetable mixture; stir to combine. Microwave on high for 4 minutes or until mince is cooked.
3.Add tomato sauce to mince mixture, stirring to break up lumps. Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes or until sauce thickens slightly. Stand for 10 minutes.
4.Place butter in a large microwave-safe jug. Microwave on high for 1 minute or until butter melts. Stir in flour; microwave on high for 40 seconds.
5.Gradually add milk to flour mixture, whisking constantly until well combined. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Whisk; microwave on high for 1 minute more or until sauce boils and thickens.
6.Spread 1/3 cup mince mixture into a 5-cup, 7cm-deep, 21x10cm (base measurement) silicone loaf pan. Cover with a sheet of pasta, trimming to fit. Spread a third of the remaining mince sauce over pasta sheet. Spread 2 tablespoons white sauce over mince mixture. Cover with another layer of pasta.
7.Repeat layering twice more, finishing with a layer of pasta. Spread remaining white sauce over lasagne. Sprinkle with cheese, then microwave on high for 2 minutes.
8.Preheat an oven grill to high. Cook lasagne under grill for 2 minutes or until golden. Stand for 2 minutes. Serve with salad.

Make double quantity of lasagne and freeze half for another meal. Silicone loaf pans are sold in supermarkets. Wrap leftover fresh pasta sheets in plastic food wrap, then place in a snap-lock food storage bag and freeze for later use.


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