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Lamb, spinach and beans

Nici Wickes' lamb, spinach and beans recipe uses not an expensive cutlet nor a fancy fillet, but a decent chop, complete with bone and full fat, cooked to perfection and served with bean purée and spinach sauce
Lamb, spinach and beans

This recipe first appeared in New Zealand Woman’s Weekly.

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1.Wilt the spinach with a splash of water in a large pan. Drain well. Transfer to a food processor and blend with the parsley, lemon zest and juice, olive oil and salt until blended to a smooth paste. Set aside.
2.Rub the chops with oil and sprinkle liberally with salt. Heat a pan to hot and sear until golden brown and the juices rise to the uncooked surface. Turn and cook for 1-2 minutes more or until cooked to your liking. I like to make sure the fat is well rendered and crispy. Rest the chops and keep them warm. Wipe the pan clean.
3.Use the pan to warm the beans through with the rosemary sprig, vinegar, garlic, seasoning and the second measure of oil. Taste and adjust the seasoning, then blend in the food processor. Add up to ¼ cup water if you need to for consistency.
4.Spoon the bean purée onto warm plates, add half the green sauce to each, top with chops and garnish with parsley.
  • You can use shoulder chops for this recipe but cook them for longer – after browning in a pan, roast in a hot oven for 20-30 minutes. – To keep the resting meat warm, cover with foil, then 1-2 folded tea towels.

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