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Bacon and cheese beef meatloaf

Stuffed with oozy cheese and wrapped in crispy bacon, this recipe takes humble meatloaf to delicious new heights. Serve with plenty of chips and barbecue sauce as a hearty treat-yourself meal
Bacon and cheese beef meatloafRob Shaw/Bauersyndication.com.au
1H 10M



1.Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a rimmed oven tray with a sheet of baking paper.
2.In a bowl, combine mince, carrot, onion, breadcrumbs, 2 chopped bacon rashers, egg, rosemary and sauce. Season to taste and mix well.
3.Arrange remaining bacon rashers head to toe in a row on tray, slightly overlapping. Spoon mince mixture down centre of bacon and shape into a 20cm log. Press cheese cubes into mixture.
4.Fold bacon over and secure with toothpicks. Roll over so the seam-side is facing down.
5.Bake for 45-50 minutes until cooked, basting halfway with pan juices.
6.Loosely cover with foil and rest for 10 minutes. Remove toothpicks and serve meatloaf sliced, accompanied with chips, herbs and sauce.
  • The meatloaf mixture can be used to make rissoles. Cook in oiled pan or on a barbecue plate.

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