Home Lunch

Hot-smoked salmon salad with crispy potato & roasted lemon dressing

This rustic and nourishing salad is made extra special with luscious salmon, blackened lemon wedges and tender spinach leaves.
Hot-smoked salmon salad with crispy potato

Hot-smoked salmon salad with crispy potato & roasted lemon dressing

Eleanor Ozich



1.Preheat oven to 200°C. Scrub the potatoes and slice into very thin rounds (a mandoline works well here).
2.Combine the potato slices, olive oil, sea salt and pepper in a bowl, and toss to coat.
3.Transfer to a wide shallow baking dish; you don’t want the potato slices to be too crowded, although they can be layered slightly. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until crispy.
4.At the same time, place the lemon quarters in a small roasting dish and roast in oven for 25 minutes, or until skins start to blacken.
5.Remove potatoes and lemon wedges from the oven and leave to cool slightly.
6.To assemble the salad, toss the baby spinach with the crispy potatoes and arrange on a platter. Using your hands, pull the salmon apart and arrange in large chunks in and around the salad. Squeeze the roasted lemons over the top, and scatter with the chopped parsley and sliced spring onion.
7.We served ours with thick slices of Crafty Baker olive sourdough and Lewis Road Creamery salted butter.

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