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This recipe was first published in Taste magazine.
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1.Preheat oven to 200°C.
2.Place banana slices in a single layer on a tray and freeze overnight.
3.Slice strawberries in half, or quarters if large, and place into an ovenproof dish. Drizzle with honey and scatter over grated ginger. Roast for 25 minutes until fragrant and syrupy. Remove from the oven and transfer the berries and all their juices to a glass jar. Cool and refrigerate overnight.
4.The following day, remove bananas from freezer and set aside for 5 minutes to soften slightly.
5.Reserve a little strawberry mixture and syrup for topping if desired, then pour the rest into a food processor or high-powered blender. Add frozen banana slices and blend on high until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides once or twice, if needed.
6.Serve immediately, topped with reserved berries and syrup, or transfer to a container and freeze for a further 2 hours if a firmer set is desired. This is best eaten on the day of making.
You’ll have to start this recipe the day before if you don’t already have bananas in the freezer. This recipe used All Good Fairtrade bananas, which are available at many supermarkets.