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Rice pudding with marmalade ice cream

Baked rice pudding is so easy to make. This rice pudding recipe has been jazzed up with marmalade ice cream – a great way to use up last year’s preserve
Rice pudding with marmalade ice creamTodd Eyre.
1H 30M



1.Preheat oven to 150ºC.
2.Place all the ingredients in an oven-proof dish and stir gently with a fork.
3.Bake for 1½ hours or until the rice is cooked through and creamy.
4.Serve warm with marmalade ice cream.

Marmalade ice cream

5.Soften 2 cups vanilla ice cream and stir through 2-3 tbsp marmalade to give it a rippled effect. Refreeze until required.
  • Make rice pudding with leftover rice by adding 1 egg and 1 cup milk (beaten together) per cup of cooked rice, and stirring in sugar and vanilla last. Bake at 175ºC for 30-45 minutes until creamy.

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