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Rhubarb and strawberry croissant pudding

This gorgeous, sweet rhubarb and strawberry croissant pudding recipe is fantastic served for dessert at your next dinner party, accompanied with plenty of freshly whipped cream
Rhubarb and strawberry croissant puddingJae Frew
1H 30M



1.Grease a 30cm rectangular baking dish with butter.
2.Pour the cream, milk and sugar into a small saucepan. Bring almost to the boil, stirring to ensure sugar is dissolved. Set the cream mixture aside to cool a little. Cut the croissants into 2cm thick slices and use half of them to cover the base of the dish.
3.Place the egg yolks in a medium-sized bowl, and gradually pour in the cream mixture while whisking to combine.
4.Arrange the rhubarb and strawberries over the croissants and then pour over the egg and cream mixture.
5.Top with remaining croissant slices.
6.Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the croissants to absorb the liquid.
7.Preheat the oven to 170°C.
8.Sprinkle the pudding with the combined sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden and almost firm when pressed. Cover if the top starts to colour too much. Serve with whipped or pouring cream.

This pudding can be assembled ahead of time and refrigerated. Bake just before serving.


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