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Peacock lolly cake

Peacock pomp and pageantry. Fan that tail! Make as many lolly skewers as there are children at the party so they can each have their own part of the peacock tail.
Peacock lolly cake
1H 30M




1.Place cakes together, long sides touching; secure with a little frosting. Cut out peacock shape using picture as a guide. Secure peacock to cake board with a little frosting.
2.Tint frosting blue. Spread frosting all over cake, adding a little texture for feathers using tip of a palette knife.
3.Using picture as a guide, thread skewers with lollies to make peacock’s tail, ending with a fruit ring topped with a boiled lolly and jelly bean half.
4.Cut wafer into a 2cm triangle; position for beak. Cut remaining fruit ring in half; place at bottom of peacock for feet. Shape licorice strap into an eye shape; top with remaining boiled lolly and remaining jelly bean half.

If the skewers don’t all fit around the cake have them standing in a wide mouth glass or vase. Remove the skewers from cake before serving.


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