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Mulberry yoghurt ice blocks

Refreshing healthy summer treats don't get better than these easy to make mulberry yoghurt ice blocks! The team from Cornersmith cafe and picklery share their recipe from their new cookbook.


Mulberry compote


Mulberry compote

1.Put the mulberries into a non-reactive saucepan, lightly crushing them with your hands as you go. Sprinkle over the sugar and mix well, then leave to sit for at least 1 hour or up to 12 hours.
2.Add the orange juice and zest to the pan, along with the honey, then place over low heat. Stir until honey and sugar have completely dissolved, then simmer 20 minutes or until the berries have broken down. Taste for sweetness. Add more sugar if necessary.
3.At this stage you can leave the compote as it is or puree it with a stick blender for a smoother texture.

Mulberry yoghurt ice blocks

4.Stir the mulberry compote into the yoghurt. Taste and add honey if you think it needs it – the mulberry compote already has honey in it, remember. Pour into ice-block moulds, then add paddle-pop sticks and freeze overnight.

This is an easy recipe for the warmer months. We made these a lot for our kids when they were little, and now they make them on their own. You can do this with any kind of fruit compote, such as apricot and cardamom.


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