1.Place oven rack on second to bottom rung in the oven. Preheat to 180ºC.
2.Using mixer or handheld beater, cream butter with sugar until creamy, white and fluffy. Add lemon zest and juice – the mixture will probably curdle at this point, but don’t worry. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time. Then gently beat in flour and milk. (Your mixture will be thin.)
3.In a clean bowl beat egg whites till they stand in snowy peaks, and then fold them gently into the mixture.
4.Pour mixture into 12 well-buttered ramekin dishes or one well-greased 2-litre baking dish. It should be about 6-7cm deep, so that the pudding can separate into a fluffy cake on top with the lemon sauce underneath.
5.Stand the pudding or puddings in a baking dish of cold water, ensuring that the water comes halfway up the sides.
6.Bake for 20-25 minutes for the ramekins and 50-60 minutes for the large pudding. The sponges will rise and lightly colour on top. If the pudding is browning too much, cover the dish loosely with foil during the last ten minutes.
7.Serve pudding with softly whipped cream.