
Feijoa pies with sugar lattice crust

I love feijoas and have great childhood memories of sitting with my brother under our old feijoa hedge, gorging ourselves on the tart, slightly gritty fruit. Usually we ended up in a throwing war with the rotten and eaten ones, all in good fun. My kids and I have been resourceful over the last few autumns and we’ve squirrelled away many a bag of feijoa pulp to use as a surprise ingredient later in the year when the taste of feijoas has faded from memory. These simple, little, muffin-shaped pies are great as a winter dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Photograph by Jani Shepherd and styling by Fiona Hugues – Gatherum Collectif.
1H 30M



1.In a saucepan over low heat, slowly cook feijoas and apples with the water and sugar until the apples are soft. While the mixture is warm, stir through arrowroot to thicken mixture. Cool.
2.Grease a muffin tin (I used a six-hole Texas muffin pan). Cut six discs of pastry approximately 16cm in diameter to line muffin holes. Gently press pastry into holes, making sure the pastry comes right to the top of the tin and there are no holes for filling to escape. Chill pastry in tin for 15–20 minutes.
3.Preheat oven to 190°C. Fill each pie case with apple and feijoa mix, almost to the top. Cut 4 x 1cm strips of pastry per pie and carefully place a lattice design on the top, pinching the pastry strips to the pie rim.
4.Brush pies with beaten egg and sprinkle with raw sugar. Bake for around 25 minutes until golden brown. Cool pies in tins before running a small knife around the edge and carefully turning out.

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