1.Heat oven to 180°C. Set out 2 baking trays lined with baking paper. Have on hand 4-6 greased wooden spoons with rounded handles to shape the snaps once they’re cooked.
2.Heat the butter, sugar and golden syrup gently, stirring until the sugar is dissolved and the butter is melted.
3.Stir in the flour, ginger and lemon juice until combined.
4.Make in batches, dropping 4 x 1 tablespoons of the mixture on each tray, well spaced to allow for spreading.
5.Bake for 8 minutes, by which time they will spread and bubble, and look lovely and lacy. Remove from the oven and wait until they cool a little. Then using a thin spatula, butter knife or fish slice, gently tease each from the paper and wrap it around the greased handle of the spoon. Allow to cool slightly before removing from the handle and hey presto – a brandy snap!
6.Bake in batches until you have used all the mixture –you should get about 20.
7.At this stage, they can either be filled for eating or stored in an airtight container until required.
8.Whip the cream with the orange zest and vanilla, then pipe into each brandy snap, about half an hour or so before serving.
- Should they get too cold before you roll them, just pop back in the oven briefly to warm them. – You will have some failures but don’t despair, broken up shells can be crushed and added to vanilla ice cream for a delicious dessert! – They will remain crisp for 2-3 days if stored unfilled in an airtight container.