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Broccoli recipes that make it easy to eat your greens

Broccoli is a green, lean nutrient machine! Dig into our best broccoli recipes; from healthy side dishes to hearty mains like pasta, soup and bakes, these dishes will give you your 5+ a day in a mouthful!

Get even more green goodness in you with our hearty winter salad recipes.

Broccoli and three cheese pie
Gluten Free
June 17, 2019

Broccoli and three cheese pie

We love this pie, which is really a tart, given it doesn’t have a lid! Combining the magic of goat’s cheese, mozzarella and feta in a homemade gluten-free shell, it’s a tantalising dish that is perfect for a midweek dinner.
By Nici Wickes
November 7, 2016

Leftover vegetable frittata

A homemade frittata can be a thing of beauty. It is also a great way to use up any left over vegetables from the night before. This Nici Wickes recipe is great cut into wedges and served for lunch
By Nici Wickes

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